Thursday, November 14, 2013

Metallic Beauties

I've admired her work for a very long time.

Miriam Ellner's quest for beauty, methodology and inventiveness continues to grow. She is the premier verre églomisé artist in the world. 
(You ask what that is? I quote from Miriam's website: "the process of gilding precious metals on the reverse side of glass, etching in a design and setting it off with color...")

Discover what Miriam's been up to in 2013 in her latest newsletter.

PlumSiena last profiled her stunning work here and here.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Books, books, never enough books

Who says books are on their way out?

Digital viewing may be handy, but nothing beats holding a beautiful tome in your hands.

Walking into a library automatically increases my pulse. The possibilities!

I just ran across The Library: A World History by James WP Campbell, just published a few weeks ago. If you're like me, this will make a perfect gift for the holiday gift giving. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

It is available for purchase here.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Going Indigo

Even though 2013 was the year of Tangerine Tango, we believe it is really the year of Indigo
(BTW, one of 2014's Pantone Spring Colors is Dazzling Blue, a tad brighter than Indigo).

Introducing Indigo Perfumery!

We opened our perfume shop and website on October 15th and have been going strong since.

Indigo Perfumery's gallery space showcases perfumes made by smaller, artisanal companies who concentrate on the art of the scent rather than mass production. We also carry five 'natural' perfume lines, exquisite scented candles and natural soaps.

Back in January, the idea that had been in the back of my mind for years suddenly surfaced and it wouldn't go away. As in totally took over. I dove in head first, researching all that I could devour, often saying to myself  "What are you doing?" 
But I just kept right on going.

Needless to say, I am now in awe of any entrepreneur. It may seem fun and glamorous, but it pretty much is the opposite. 
See this article just published today- it is so true.
I still have much to learn...

That said- here are a few photos of what we started with > 

and where we are now >

If you're looking for a new fragrance, come on over and browse through

The fragrance lines include: 
Ambre Blends, Ann Gerard Parfum, Jardin D'Écrivains, Jul et Mad, Magnetic Scent, Maria Candida Gentile, Phoenicia Perfumes, PK Perfumes, Providence Perfume Co., Sarah Horowitz, Tommi Sooni, Viktoria Minya, Undergreen and Yates Apothecary (a Cleveland company)


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