Saturday, March 24, 2012

Back to Spring

Summer has bowed out gracefully...and just in time! 
Many of our early spring blooms have come and gone already
 with temps in the high 70's and 80's for a week.

Sharing with you our remaining gifts from Mother Nature:

Pretty Pink Magnolia


Helleborus- such a happy crowd!

Chionadoxa with the periwinkle blooms- yum!

And a great start to the highlight of spring in our garden- the tree peonies. 
Look at that growth! 
My guess is the saucer-sized blooms won't arrive for weeks yet, though.

How is your garden doing?


  1. Hi Dear Annie
    those magnolias are just brilliant.. as is your photographs!!! Those shades of plum and violet always make me think of you!

    Hope your week is filled with springtime.. We are having days of autumn and occasional spring like days.. which is good considering we had no summer...

    Have a great week.. ciao xxx Julie

  2. My garden is exploding in blooms, the trees are alive the birds chirping, I am working as an obsessed woman trying to get the garden ready, alas we are expecting a frost for to morrow night and am quite worried about my perennials and the buds on my trees....we have no control over nature! Your photographs are beautiful indeed, happy Sunday!

  3. Beautiful, beautiful !!!! Welcome spring !!!

    Our garden - Oh my....still looking bare although weather improved during the last few days.
    So, I enjoy even more seeing your wonderful pictures, flowers, buds.....

    Best wishes for a sunny flowering Sunday, dear Ann, and many greetings also to Pieter.



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